Behcet’s disease is a multisystem inflammatory vasculitis of unknown aetiology, characterised by relapsing episodes of painful oral aphtous ulcers, genital ulcers, skin lesions, ocular lesions, neurological and vascular involvement [1] [2] [3]. The disease was initially described by the Turkish dermatologist Hulushi Behcet [4] and is mostly prevalent along the silk route from China to Mediterranean countries [5]. Although genetic and environmental factors are considered in its pathology, the symptoms and severity vary as per age and sex of the patient. One of the biggest contributors to morbidity and mortality is the predisposition for thrombosis and aneurysms which can occur at unusual sites such as mesenteric and cerebral vasculature. The mainstay of the treatment involves the use of immunosuppression with or without anticoagulation in the setting of thrombosis.