Distal arthrogryposis type 1A (DA1A) and 1B (DA1B) – congenital nonprogressive myopathies – manifested contractures of the hands and ankle-foot complex strongly resembling those observed in Freeman-Sheldon and Sheldon-Hall syndromes but lacked additional craniofacial findings. The limb malformations included in the diagnostic criteria include two or more of the following features: talipes equinovarus, metatarsus varus, vertical talus, talipes equinovalgus, calcaneovalgus, camptodactyly, ulnar deviation of wrists and fingers, overlapping fingers or toes, and hypoplastic or absent interphalangeal creases. DA1A and DA1B demonstrated an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern. There was no apparent gender, ethnic, or geographical preference, and environmental and parental factors were not implicated in pathogenesis.